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First step for CPA Exam Requirements (again)


We showed up at 12:30pm for the oneo'clock hearing. Our Bill was among ten others to be heard. It was a busy day as Architects, Home Improvement Contractors, Real Estate agents, and other licensed groups had bills in this committee.

Our panel was called up about 3:30 pm and made the case for our support of the changes to CPA Exam requirements that wouold allow students to sit at 120 hours and get licensed at 150 hours. Fortunately, there was no opposition and no questions.

Yesterday we testified in support of SB 287 - State Board of Public Accountancy - Educational Requirements for Examination and Licensure . Our panel (pictured at right) included,  myself, Dr. Victoria Doby of Stevenson University, Ray Speciale of Mount Saint Mary's University, and Dennis Gring, Executive Director of the State Board of Public Accountancy.

This Bill was introduced by the DLLR on behalf of the State Board and with our support. Dr. Doby is the vice-chair of our members in Education Committee and Ray Speciale is the educator representative on the State Board of Public Accountancy.

We are standing outside the Senate Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee in the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis.

This Bill will have to come out of the committee and onto the Senate floor and then make its way over to the House through the Economic Matters Committee and onto the House floor. remember your seventh grade civics class?

Last year we got through the House and this Committee before running out of time the last day of session - see our post about that here.

Thanks to the dedication of our members like Vicki and Ray who take the time to represent our voices!