MACPA Social Media Policy

Note: Below is the official social media policy for the Maryland Association of CPAs. This policy will likely evolve as new social media resources and technologies emerge.

In this document, “social media” refers to blogs, microblogs, podcasts, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, and all emerging and as-yet-undiscovered social technologies.

The Maryland Association of CPAs enthusiastically supports and explores the use of social media tools and emerging technologies, and we encourage MACPA members and employees to do the same.

Those who do are strongly encouraged to adhere to the following guidelines.

1. Participate
The MACPA’s use of social media is increasingly important given the rapid evolution of these tools. Staying relevant to our respective audiences means, in part, that we must stay current on emerging technologies. Our interest in participating in social media is to meet our members (and future members) wherever they are, and to develop and enhance relationships with members and stakeholders involved in the CPA profession.

While the decision whether to participate is their own, MACPA members and employees are encouraged to explore all forms of social media and find the one(s) that best fit their needs. Doing so expands our ability to learn and share our own knowledge with others.

2. Be smart and safe
Here are a few generally accepted guidelines to consider when using social media.

3. Most importantly …
… explore and have fun! Experiment with the tools and think about how they might be used to benefit the MACPA and its members. Share resources, insights, opinions and advice with your followers and ask the same of them.

And remember the advice of Principled Innovation’s Jeff De Cagna, who says there are three keys to using emerging technologies:

  1. Don’t be afraid.
  2. Re-orient your mindset toward the future.
  3. Question everything by asking, “How can we be more social?”

Many thanks to IBM, whose social media policy served as inspiration for this document.