Volunteer Opportunities For MACPA Members

Giving back to the community.

MACPA is committed to serving the community and helping our members do the same


Get Involved and Give Back

As a CPA, your skills are invaluable to organizations, providing services and support to the local community. You can make a difference by becoming a volunteer CPA, tutor, treasurer, and more. 

Does Your Organization Need Volunteers? 

If you’re currently involved in a non profit organization in need of volunteers, contact us.

MACPA Based Opportunities

Get involved in your association to help shape MACPA's future, boost your leadership potential, network with like-minded peers, and give back.

MACPA Champion Program


Champions build awareness of the MACPA and the profession, foster engagement, and cultivate a sense of community within your own organization. As a Champion, you will represent your organization’s interests and serve as a sounding board to help better the member experience for you, your peers, and your organization. Help ensure the profession’s vitality by becoming a Champion today.

MACPA Conference Advisory Groups


MACPA Conference Advisory Groups are member led groups that organize and plan various conferences, seminars, and study groups to provide our members with the latest updates, industry trends, and continuing education opportunities. These groups meet regularly and play a crucial role in guiding content and the structure of these events. Volunteering to be a part of these groups is a great way to meet people and network with other professionals.

For more information please contact Natalie Antonakas (natalie@macpa.org) or click below.

MACPA Classroom Visits

Volunteer CPA or Accounting Professional

Are you interested in speaking to high school students about the accounting/CPA profession? Sign up to become a volunteer today!

Help the MACPA raise awareness of accounting career opportunities among college and high school students. Volunteer now to visit a local high school to discuss the exciting and challenging roles CPAs play in the business world. Presentations, training, and outreach and support materials can be provided upon request. We will connect you with a local school.

MACPA Professional Mentoring


Our membership is composed of some of the best accounting, business, and technological talent in the world. Together, we represent hundreds of thousands of years of professional experience. That vast experience must be passed on to the next generation of CPAs.

The MACPA Mentorship Program allows you to be a mentor or mentee, creating a valuable connection with a current or future CPA. 

Learn about our Mentorship Program and submit your application.

Community Based Opportunities

Members whose expertise and interests lend to their service on our standing committees come together to plan events, share knowledge, and broaden perspectives on the issues that matter most to CPAs. 

St. Augustine’s National Foundation

The Governance of St. Augustine’s National Foundation is formally seeking the expertise of a "CPA Volunteer".

Professional Financial Services are requested to be rendered in accordance with the established procedures of The Episcopal Church, as well as, standard industry practices, and in alignment with the concept of “Deferred Capital Gains,”

As part of this initiative, the appointed volunteer will be tasked with conducting a thorough financial review and the establishment of virtual internal controls.

The purpose of this review is to ensure transparency, accuracy, and accountability in our financial operations, thereby securing the trust of our stakeholders and advancing the mission of our organization.

Significantly, the responsibility of the Treasurer CPA Volunteer will be to keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and accurate accounts of all the corporations properties and business transactions of the Corporation.

Including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital, retained earnings, and other matters customarily included in financial statements as provided by CFO or Attorney General Appointed “Controller” through an audit process initiated by the Board of Directors Treasurer. Understanding the nonprofit and 340(B) financial accepts and terms of engagement.

Importantly, the Treasurer CPA Volunteer shall ensure limited opportunities for waste and fraud. As significant, ensure that the Board of Trustee's obtain summarized monthly financial reports.

For more information contact: cathedral@staugustines-usa.com

Heart to Hand, Inc.

Heart to Hand is looking for a Treasurer. The treasurer (CPA) shall work closely with the Executive Director and CFO to ensure comprehensive, and timely financial reporting to the Board of Directors. Conduct quarterly audits as a BOD independent auditor.

The responsibility of the Treasurer CPA will be to keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and accurate accounts of all the properties and business transactions of the Corporation, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, capital, retained earnings, and other matters customarily included in financial statements as provided by CFO or through an audit process initiated by the Board of Director's Treasurer. Understand the non-profit and 340(B) financial accepts and terms of engagement.

Additionally, the Treasurer CPA ensure there are limited opportunities for waste and fraud. Ensure that the Board of Director's obtain summarized monthly financial reports.

The Treasurer's transaction is as treasurer and of the financial condition of the Corporation.

Please visit the Heart to Hand, Inc website to learn more: https://www.hearttohandinc.org/

The Samaritan Community

The Samaritan Community, a 501(c)(3) organization in Baltimore City, works to meet the needs of families and individuals who are in crisis and wish to  improve their lives. We are a small organization with a big impact, with an  annual operating budget of $600,000. Our services include housing assistance,  a food pantry, a clothing and household goods shop, individual and group  counseling, case management, emergency financial assistance, and  enrichment programs that enable our members to face both short-term crises  and long-term challenges with caring support.  

We are seeking the help of a CPA to assist the Treasurer of our small organization with establishing clear accounting and financial systems. 

Specific areas of support include

  • Overseeing the QuickBooks accounting system, including Projects 
  • Assuring accurate and timely financial reports meeting 501(c)(3)  regulations and specific sponsor guidelines 
  • Submittal of required tax filings, as well as legal and insurance forms 
  • Reviewing and responding to the annual external audit 
  • Making recommendations for improved financial business processes

This volunteer opportunity will allow for the potential of Board membership and taking over the role of Treasurer for the organization. Board meetings are held every other month via Zoom.  

Anyone interested is welcome to reach out to our Treasurer, Wendy Cohan, at  wcohan206@msn.com.  To learn more about the Samaritan Community, please visit  samaritancommunity.org.

The Friends of Herring Run Park (FHRP)

The Friends of Herring Run Park (FHRP) is seeking to add a board member with some financial expertise.

The FHRP is a community-based nonprofit organization created to restore, protect and promote the Herring Run Park (located in northeast Baltimore City) stream valley as a place where nature and neighbors thrive.

Feel free to contact FHRP Executive Director Misty Fae misty@friendsofherringrun.org directly for more information on this opportunity! Herring Run Park is one of Baltimore’s hidden gems and their board is a good group of people to work with.

Impact100 DC

Board Member

Impact100 DC is an all-volunteer women’s philanthropic community dedicated to improving lives in the Greater Washington, DC area by collectively funding transformational grants to local nonprofit organizations. The organization's model is designed to empower women to see themselves as philanthropists and overcome the barriers women have historically faced in this arena. The model is designed for transformational grant-making within local communities, with a minimum grant size of $100,000.

Our vision is to address unmet needs in our community, prioritizing those that result from systemic racism and structural inequity; to create and sustain a diverse community of dynamic women committed to building bridges across the wide demographic divides in the Washington, DC area; and to empower women as philanthropists and leaders.

Impact100 DC has an immediate opening for Treasurer. The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining records of all donations, preparing the organization's monthly budget and financial reports, annual income statement, and balance sheet, and submitting the required tax filings, legal and insurance forms. Training and support on our current practices and databases will be provided. The Board meets monthly, and meetings are generally via zoom. We hope you'll consider the opportunity to join a collaborative and collegial Board in setting policy and direction for the organization. No prior board experience necessary. Responsibilities may be split between two candidates if preferred. Anyone interested is welcome to reach out to to dhirschenbaum@impact100dc.org with questions or expressions of interest.

Impact100 DC is a membership-based organization. There are various ways to become a member. For more information, visit our website at https://impact100dc.org/membership/ or reach out to the email address above.

Bach in Baltimore

Volunteer CPA for fiscal review

The music director of Bach in Baltimore, founded in 1988, is looking for a CPA to complete a fiscal review.  We're a nonprofit that performs about 12 subscription concerts, and a dozen community service concerts in retirement communities and reaches out to 10 or more schools annually with an educational outreach program (pro bono). Our annual budget is just over $200,000

Contact T. Herbert Dimmock, Founder & Music Director, thdimmock@gmail.com

College Park Community Food Bank

Volunteer CPA

The College Park Community Food Bank works to reduce hunger in our communities by regularly offering healthy food to individuals and families. We use every dollar to provide food for those in need. We seek a volunteer CPA to conduct a financial review of our 2022 finances.

Contact Todd Reitzel, Treasurer, at cpcommunityfoodbank@gmail.com or 301-364-4931

Junior Achievement Volunteer Opportunities


Shape the future of the next generation by volunteering for one of Junior Achievement's K12 programs. JA's real-world, hands-on offerings teach young people how careers, money, and business work so they will be inspired and prepared to seize tomorrow's opportunities.
Fourth through six graders run a 10,000 square-foot simulated city, complete with its own micro-economy. Students become an employee, taxpayer, and consumer. Business volunteers are assigned to a JA BizTown storefront and guide students as they put their classroom learning into practice by running and working in a JA BizTown business. Approximately 5.5 hours.
In this simulation, middle school students receive a life scenario and work to design balanced monthly budget. Business volunteers assist students within JA Finance Park storefronts, helping them to explore budget categories and allocate their earnings. Approximately 5.5 hours.
Email Liz Stoll, Manager of Volunteer Services, at LSTOLL@JAMARYLAND.ORG or call 443-884-5066.

Student Support Network


The Student Support Network, a 501(c)(3) corporation with a clean history of financial reviews and
audits, is seeking an experienced financial professional to serve as its Treasurer.  The mission of the
Network is to provide food, basic necessities and advocacy to support the wellbeing of Baltimore County
Public School students in need.  In that role, we provide Rooms of Support at our 21 member schools,
which provide school supplies, hygiene items, food and clothing to all in need.  We also support
emergency assistance for a number of other needs such as basic necessities and school-related
programs. Our advocacy committee was recently successful in helping obtain funding for free school
meals throughout the county.

The Treasurer is a volunteer member of the Board and its Executive Committee and is responsible for
ensuring accurate financial accounting and reporting in compliance with all applicable laws.  The
Treasurer ensures appropriate audits and public reporting are completed in a timely and accurate manner.  These duties are accomplished through a partnership and oversight of the Executive
Director, administrative staff and an outside bookkeeping firm. Time commitment is flexible, but estimated to be 5-10 hours per month, on average.

Please contact Ron McDade, Board President at President@StudentSupportNetwork.org.

South Baltimore United, a Community Media Start-Up

Volunteer CPA

South Baltimore United, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit launched in 2021 to foster community building among the neighborhoods of the South Baltimore peninsula through communications and public events. Our primary project is a free community newspaper, the South Baltimore Peninsula Post, distributed six times a year.

We are a small, all-volunteer organization with an operating budget of under $40k. We are seeking a volunteer CPA for one month (March 2022) to advise us on our first-year tax filing. Our revenue sources to date include donations and paid local advertising in the community newspaper. If you are interested, please contact Steve Cole, SBU President, at EDITOR@SOBOPOST.ORG.

Audubon Society of Central Maryland

Board Treasurer

An all-volunteer chapter of the National Audubon Society, Audubon Society of Central Maryland protects and restores birds, other wildlife, and their habitats through stewardship, education, and advocacy, for the benefit of all people and the earth.

We are seeking a treasurer for our board of directors. As the chair of the board’s finance committee, the treasurer prepares quarterly financial statements for the board, advises the board on fiscal matters, and prepares tax paperwork. Come help us make a home for birds! For more information, email Morgan Lakey at MALCOLMSDADMORGAN@GMAIL.COM.

Anne Arundel County Food Bank

CPA for Board or Board Finance Committee

The Anne Arundel County Food Bank, Inc. (AACFB), is looking for a CPA to sit on their Board or Board Finance Committee. This local food bank is committed to ensuring that all Anne Arundel County residents in need have access to food and basic necessities. They distribute over 5.8 million pounds of food and other resources to over 90 community providers and feed more than 62,500 county residents. If interested, please reach out to Leah Paley (CEO) at LEAH@AAFOODBANK.ORG.

Superhero Support of Central Maryland

Board Member

Are you inspired by superheroes and seek to empower those in need?

Superhero Support Inc. is an established volunteer organization that is accepting applications for Board Members to develop and grow our start-up 501c3!

As a Board Member, you will help empower others to be heroes in their own lives by helping community service organizations raise awareness, spirits, and funds through interactive storytelling and engaging activities at hospitals; schools; and in support of community service events… wherever called.

You can find more information about us from our website and Facebook page, Superhero Support of Central Maryland. Contact us at CAUSEPLAYERS@SUPERHEROSUPPORT.ORG or 443-995-9493.

Families of Smithville Road, Inc.

CPA Volunteer

Smithville Road is an historic road where Harriett Tubman’s father was born and some of its back woods was a part of the underground railroad.

Families of Smithville Road, Inc., a new and small family nonprofit devoted to preserving the history and legacy of an African American community located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in Dorchester County, is seeking a dedicated CPA to establish and provide guidance for a nonprofit accounting system, financial statement reviews, and federal tax filing.

Our Family Pledge and Mission Statements

Our mission is to address, educate, coordinate, promote and foster efforts to strengthen the history and legacy Smithville Road and surrounding communities in the Taylors Island and Cambridge Maryland area. To maintain the unique and special relationship between the Families of Smithville Road and the community church.

Please contact: Deborah B. Pugh – 610-550-9296 (cell) – DBP054@GMAIL.COM.

Brain Injury Association of Maryland

board treasurer

Brain Injury Association of Maryland (BIAMD) mission is to bring health, hope, and healing to thousands of Marylanders living with brain injury, their families, and the professionals who serve them.  BIAMD’s Board of Directors is looking for a retired CPA to serve as Treasurer on the Board beginning June 2021.

Contact Chris Schaffer (SCHAFFER@BIAMD.ORG) to apply

HelpAge USA

board treasurer

HelpAge USA advances the well-being and inclusion of older people around the world through research, advocacy, and programs. We work in the U.S. and with our global network partners in 85 countries to improve lives in the world’s poorest communities. Our goal is to ensure that the contributions of all older people are recognized, and they have a right to a healthy, safe, and secure life.

Description of Board Treasurer Responsibilities

To apply, please submit your CV and a thoughtful cover letter to our Communications and Administrative Manager, Paige Duskie, at PDUSKIE@HELPAGEUSA.ORG. Your CV should include 2 references.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Financial and Internal Control Review Opportunity

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is in need of a recent college graduate or CPA candidate to conduct a financial and internal control review in accordance with The Episcopal Church procedures. This is a great opportunity to build your resume. We are a small church located in Glenwood, Maryland and have operated within The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland since 1976.

The anticipated work load is expected to be less than one week. The volunteer would work under the supervision of a CPA that performed and conducted the work last.

The mission of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church is to carry forward God’s reconciling work through Jesus Christ in building up our Community of Love by strengthening one another through word and sacrament for Christ’s mission of striving for justice and peace within the Church in Maryland, our country, and our world.

Please help us optimize our limited resources towards our mission and ministry by volunteering your time. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. Please contact Ms. Nancy Smith NEKSMITH.STANDREWS@GMAIL.COM.

Unified Efforts

Treasurer Opportunity

Unified Efforts is a non-profit founded in 2014 by Executive Director Debbie Ramsey to reduce out-of-school learning loss and provide academic enrichment, leadership development, and college/career readiness in the Penn North neighborhood of West Baltimore. To date, we have served over 120 school age students. Even as the coronavirus pandemic rages through our communities, learning loss remains a critical issue in our neighborhood and we are hopeful that at some point soon we can safely resume our face-to-face (or mask-to-mask!) activities.

Our mission is simple: reduce summer learning loss. Provide specialty, multipurpose and academic programs for students year round to minimize academic loss when school aged children are out of school for extended times. Our programs and activities include financial literacy, free dental screenings, aviation-aerospace, cooking with whole foods, athletic activities, the arts, writing, swim lessons, by certified swimming instructors, and bullying prevention activities. More at unifiedefforts.org.

Volunteer Role Responsibilities


Building STEPS

tutoring Opportunity

Building STEPS (Science Technology And Education Partnerships Inc.) mission is to equip our city’s brightest students with the tools to propel them to college and career success. As a small organization that makes a profound difference in the lives of a Baltimore City youth, Building STEPS highly successful model relies on strong partnerships and expert volunteers. This crucial collaboration and commitment enables hundreds of students each year to benefit from programming and ultimately achieve college and career success.

Tutoring has been an integral part of our programming over the years. With students engaged in full-time remote learning, we anticipate a greater need for academic tutoring support. Time commitment will vary but will remain flexible and convenient for all involved.

Our students take a variety of classes- Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II and some pre-Calculus. But what we have found recently that many students are not solid on basic math concepts, despite the level of math they are taking in school. So tutoring is two-fold, supporting them in their current subject class, but also reinforcing basic math skills so they are more confident moving into SATs (if they even happen this year) and into college level math. All tutoring is available virtually.

For more information on Building STEPS: www.buildingsteps.org.

If you are interested in math based tutoring and homework support, please contact Jennifer Descoteau at JDESCOTEAU@BUILDINGSTEPS.ORG.

FOCUS Services, Inc


We are FOCUS Services, Inc. We are located in PG County, Maryland and our mission is to offer resourced opportunities and safer spaces to LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness through housing, educational, and employment-readiness programs. We are seeking a CPA to provide our board with guidance on filing taxes, remaining in compliance with IRS tax-exempt purposes, financial advice, etc. We are currently a small board with limited experience starting and maintaining a nonprofit organization. Our primary focus will be housing, so it will be essential that we locate resources that will maximize our dollar so that we can provide the best services to our youth.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, Founder Shaqueal Stevens, SHAQUEAL.STEVENS@FOCUSYOUTH.ORG.

Diana Keener


To learn more, contact Lauren McDonough, Director, Member Engagement: lauren@macpa.org, 443.632.2328