Member publications & Resources

MACPA members stay informed.

Expert analysis, industry updates and upcoming events both online and in print


MACPA member publications deliver extensive and timely content on news, professional trends, and learning.

Membership provides you with free, unlimited access to all of the following resources.

Interested in advertising? Explore options and view the MACPA media kit here.

Statement Magazine

Whether you’re looking for upcoming events, expert analysis of professional issues, or news that matters for CPAs in Maryland, Statement Magazine delivers. MACPA members receive Statement every quarter, and can read the latest issue below.

Cover of the latest Statement

Consequatur ea quo veniam omnis non nobis.

This isn't real content. Please follow the instructions to access the real content.


Laboriosam expedita voluptas saepe ipsa consequatur consequatur quia rerum. Debitis amet atque voluptatem a ut provident veritatis. Consectetur placeat ducimus possimus nam assumenda. Ea saepe distinctio id necessitatibus placeat.<\/p>","

Eaque voluptatem in at velit optio accusantium ducimus. Quibusdam omnis et ut tempora. Dicta illo reiciendis suscipit quia sint.<\/p>","

Dolorem temporibus molestiae dignissimos doloremque. Quam voluptatem cumque officiis animi et unde. Praesentium velit nemo quos ipsam expedita.<\/p>","

Et placeat ut et molestiae suscipit. Ut doloremque ut omnis tenetur vero et voluptatum. Eveniet dolorem corporis et occaecati aut dignissimos.<\/p>","

Culpa quia iusto hic dolor qui. Minima nostrum doloremque accusamus delectus est nobis. Quo perferendis reprehenderit laboriosam.<\/p>"]

If you are a member, please login to view this content.

This content is viewable by members only.

Advocacy Team

MACPA Weekly E-Newsletter

Our weekly, members-only, online publication delivers headlines and news tailored to CPAs in Maryland. This e-newsletter is customized to bring you timely, comprehensive bulletins and articles surrounding the accounting industry.

MACPA members automatically receive the weekly e-newsletter. Visit Account Settings to view your Communication Preferences.

Future-Proof Podcast

Change is inevitable — are you ready? Future-proof your organization and your career by listening to Bill Sheridan’s podcast covering contemporary topics affecting the business world.

Advocacy Team
Advocacy Team

Featured Events Weekly Email

A weekly email that promotes the conferences, major seminars, and unique membership events that serve the diverse needs of our members and enhance your competencies.

MACPA members automatically receive the featured events email. Visit Account Settings to view your Communication Preferences.

CPE Source

Your weekly email publication that catalogs upcoming CPE, both in-person events and online learning editions, organized by topic/field of study.

MACPA members automatically receive the CPE source email. Visit Account Settings to view your Communication Preferences.

Advocacy Team
Diana Keener


To learn more about MACPA publications, contact Bill Sheridan:, 443.632.2320