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Promoting and protecting the CPA profession on the Hill

Tom_hood_on_hill The MACPA's leaders met with Maryland's Congressional leaders this week to discuss issues of importance to CPAs as part of the AICPA's Spring Council Meeting in Washington, D.C.

Featured from left are Lou Satchell, Mary Beth Halpern, Larry Kamanitz, Carter Heim, Sen. Ben Cardin, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, Bill Riley, Art Flach and Tom Hood.

While our meeting was focused on three issues that were important to our profession (see our legislative blog), Sens. Mikulski and Cardin spent more time thanking us for our efforts to promote financial literacy, both at the national and state levels. Both senators agreed that financial literacy was a pressing issue facing all Americans and they appreciated that the AICPA and MACPA are making this such a priority.

Sen. Mikulski encouraged us to redouble our efforts at helping the National Guard and their families, as the Maryland Guard was calling up another 1,400 men and women to active duty. We will be asking for more CPAs to help us in this very important mission to serve those who serve us. You can read more about our efforts here.

We also shared with the senators our latest financial literacy video on YouTube. Watch the video here.

Both senators have been very supportive of the CPA profession over the years and were genuinely interested in hearing our perspectives on issues like taxes, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and other issues that impact the CPA profession.

We also visited with Congressmen Bartlett, Cardin, Cummings and Ruppersberger.

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More Financial Literacy resources: