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MACPA Members Identify Top Challenges at Annual Meeting / Town Hall


MACPA members identified their top issues at last week's final town hall. over three hundred CPAs with an average of 20.7 years of experience came to hear the latest updates about the CPA Profession and MACPA and welcome the Association's newly-elected leadership.

Thanks to our major sponsors, Sage, Wolters Kluwer, Avalara, CPA.COM, Citrix Sharefile, BB&T, AON, and Microsoft whose support makes these meetings possible.

Slides 4 thru 8 in the slideshare deck below cover the polls from the meeting. The town hall follows our "future ready" framework and covers four major categories, 1) Lookout Post - Trends and Issues; 2) Laws, Regulations & Standards; 3) Your membership organization (Connect - Protect - Achieve); and 4) Keeping your L>C2. Using our participation app, we get a robust conversation and collect live polling from the group.

The combination of polling, conversations, and experience over the last six months with several thousand CPAs turned up four major themes:

  1. Technology - the exponential pace of technology continues to create disruption and opportunities across the CPA profession;
  2. Talent - the war for talent is now waging at full force as the issues of recruitment and retention rise to the top;
  3. Time - the biggest challenges facing CPAs is a mix of "not enough time", "information overload", "being reactive ve proactive", and "doing more with less";
  4. Transformation - the pace of change is creating a major opportunity to transform what we do as CPAs whether in public practice of business & industry. 

These themes seem to show up in countless ways as we dive deeper into the member segments by young professionals, students and even vertical segments of the CPA world. For example the question about "how was tax season this year compared to last?" turned up an interesting insight. It turns out that almost the same mount had much worse or worse as had much better or better than last year. The distinction after further inquiry was those firms who implemented business process improvement and workflow handled the turbulence of 3115 and the last minute changes much better than those who did not. This has the effect of crossing all four major themes.    

MACPA Annual Meeting & Town Hall - June, 2015 #PIU15 from Tom Hood, CPA,CITP,CGMA

  Other major areas covered include the shift change, future of learning, legislative update, and the latest updates from the MACPA.   There were two big announcements - the new transformational learning program, the Anticipatory Organization: Accounting and Finance Edition and MACPA.TV a place for MACPA members to go to hear the latest trends, the lookout post, and keep up with this rapidly changing world.   Congratulation to our new slate of volunteer leaders:   MACPA’s Officers for 2015-2016: 

  • Secretary/Treasurer, Ken Kelly
  • Vice-Chair, Lisa Cines
  • Chair of MACPA, Mike Manspeaker
  • Past Chair, Marianela Del Pino-Rivera

And new Board of Directors:

  • Jennifer Elder
  • Kelly Jennings
  • Barrett Young
  • Brien Poffenberger, CEO of the Maryland Chamber, Public Board member

Don't miss our upcoming events:   CPA Summit at Martin's West on June 23rd Beach Retreat - July 1-3, Ocean City, Maryland Leadership Academy - August 26-26, 2015 Towson, Maryland   and our new Guide to Becoming a CPA in Maryland.