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Health Care, Taxes and Jobs in Maryland


Health Care, Taxes and Jobs topped the agenda as the Maryland Chamber of Commerce held its annual business policy conference at the Gaylord Hotel in National Harbor, Maryland last Friday.

It was great to see a lot of MACPA leaders in attendance to get a preview of the upcoming Maryland General Assembly and help to shape the business policies in our state.

Pictured left is House Speaker Mike Busch, Bill Riley, CPA (MACPA Past Chairman & Chamber Vice-Chair) and Senate President Mike Miller in a leadership briefing to the business community.

What I found interesting was that the speakers all described two very different versions of the state of our state. The evening before featured former Governor Robert Ehlich and a minority (Republican) briefing by Senate minority leader, Allan Kittelman and House leader  Tony O'Donnell. Governor O'Malley decided to stay on the campaign trail rather than speak. Speaker Busch and President Miller described a prosperous and wealthy state that needed to stay the course, while Ehrlich, O'Donnell and Kittelman said there was a need to shrink government and stimulate the economy. Sound familiar?

Then there is a study from the Tax Foundation that showed us dropping from 24th to 45th in the State business Climate Tax score. and there is this from the Frederick News Post, Taxes make Maryland business unfriendly, foundation says.

That is why it is important for your to vote tomorrow - to let them know which state you think we are living in and where you want us to go.

I participated in a health care panel to talk about the looming 1099 issue that was put in to "pay for" the health care act. Here are two recent articles that capture that issue - Chamber heads to Gaylord and Jobless claims and taxes spark Chamber session. More coverage of the event from the Baltimore Business Journal here.

And don't to mark January 19th, 2011 for our annual CPA Day in Annapolis for helping us with our CPA Agenda - register here

Our 2011 agenda:

  1. Pass 120/150 CPA Exam Requirements
  2. Stop Sales Taxes on Accounting, Tax, and Consulting services
  3. Exempt CPAs from unnecessary Debt Counseling Licensing requirements
  4. Stop efforts to change tort liability laws and create frivolous lawsuits
  5. Stop accelerated combined reporting requirements