Accounting & Auditing | Leadership / Management

Maryland’s new CPAs to take their oath at annual Swearing-In Ceremony

Few things are as professionally inspiring as watching a new generation of leaders step forward and take the reins.

In just a few short days, we’ll be inspired again.

One of the coolest events on the MACPA calendar — our annual Newly-Licensed CPA Swearing-In Ceremony — will be held on Nov. 10 at the Hilton BWI in Baltimore. It’s an amazing event in which Maryland’s newest CPAs raise their hands and pledge to “perform my professional duties to the best of my ability in an ethical, professional and objective manner.”

It’s an incredibly powerful moment and a point of pride for the CPAs and their families alike.

More than that, said former Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Chairman Mark Olson, the oath is “a reminder of the trust that the public places in CPAs and your commitment to uphold that trust.”

It’s also a perfect illustration of the commitment, the foresight, and the spirit of a CPA.


If you’ve never experienced this event before, I hope you’ll consider joining us this year. It’s not every day that we get the chance to witness our profession’s evolution.

Learn more about the Newly-Licensed CPA Swearing-In Ceremony and register here.


Bill Sheridan