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CPAs make their voices heard at CPA Day in Annapolis


There is an old saying in politics: "If you don't want to be involved in politics, then be prepared for those who do."

On Jan. 15, 150 CPAs braved the "ice fog" to make sure the Maryland General Assembly heard their voices.

This was the 115th time that CPAs were in Annapolis. The Maryland Association of CPAs has been there since the passing of the CPA statute in 1900. The CPA Day tradition started about 25 years ago and has been going steady ever since.

This year’s event started with special recognition of the 40th anniversary of the Baltimore chapter of the National Association of Black Accountants and a group of students led by Professor Dalton Tong of the University of Baltimore.

Delegate Charles Barkley talked about the importance of CPAs talking to their representatives and did a special role-play with Allen DeLeon, past MACPA chairman and chair of the association’s Legislative Executive Committee. CPAs then took to the Hill to meet with their senators and delegates in their offices.

After returning from the Hill, CPAs did a debrief about their visits. All were warmly received and most legislators were supportive of of our agenda. Overall, we can say two words -- mission accomplished. 

At 11 a.m., Warren Deschenaux, Maryland's budget director, gave an update of the just-released 2015 budget from Gov. Martin O'Malley. 

One member, Bruce Hoffberger (who was wearing an even cooler Maryland state flag tie than mine), took time to write us these comments:

"Hi Tom. After almost 40 years as a member of the MACPA, I must share with you that the CPA Day events on the 15th were outstanding.

Your staff’s planning, preparation materials and communications were perfect. They made our job of meeting with the representatives so easy.

What really stood out for me was the opportunity to interact with other CPAs away from the typical CPE environment. Although all the District 11 CPAs are in public practice, we had much to talk about.

I look forward to 2015, and I do have a new Maryland tie heading your way next week."

This is truly what it is all about -- making it easy for our members to be effective in talking to legislators, having a little fun, and making great connections.

Or as we like to say: CPA -- CONNECT, PROTECT, ACHIEVE!

Thanks to all of our members who volunteered on behalf of all Maryland CPAs. You were heard and we look forward to another successful legislative session.


[<a href="//" target="_blank">View the story "CPAs take the "hill" in Annapolis" on Storify</a>]


Here is our blog post with our agenda for 2014, Maryland CPAs are ready for 2014 General Assembly

Here is the CPA Day photo set on Flickr

And a full archive of the twitter hashtag #CPADay showing statictics with a reach of 68,605 and 426,331 impressions!