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New film’s inconvenient truth: We’re going broke

Iousa_ae_mastheadDavid Walker's gone Hollywood.

The former U.S. comptroller general is on a crusade to inject some fiscal responsibility into the U.S. government. His message: Unless the country gets smart and starts reining in its spending, a financial nightmare awaits the next generation.

Walker has toured the town hall circuit extensively, was the subject of a "60 Minutes" piece and even appeared on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report." (In the latter, between host Stephen Colbert's brilliantly snarky commentary, Walker said the oncoming wave of baby boomer retirements will bring "a tsunami of spending that could swamp the ship of state." Responded Colbert, tongue planted firmly in cheek: "Well, just don't let them retire.")

Now, Walker is taking his message of fiscal reform to the masses with the theater release of the documentary "I.O.U.S.A." Reuters is already saying the film "may be to the U.S. economy what 'An Inconvenient Truth' was to the environment." And while debt and financial mismanagement aren't everyone's idea of a great summer film, a review in The Economist says the documentary is "a bold attempt to highlight a potentially huge problem."

"'The Dark Knight' it may not be," the article reads, "but for those who care about economic reality as much as cinematic fantasy, it might just be the scariest release of the summer."

If you're interested in seeing the film, visit and click on "Find a Theater Near You." And once you've seen it, be sure to tell us what you think.


Bill Sheridan