Every time we turn around, it seems there’s a new survey. We receive the invitations via email, postal mail, and annoyingly so with an ever-increasing frequency on our phones. Eight survey calls hit my phone last week, with survey topics ranging from TV programming to recycling to political (and it’s not even close to election time!) So, what is the CAS Benchmark Survey and why should you care? Well, for starters, the data generated via this survey yields information that most readers of this blog will care deeply about -- and will potentially impact your accounting practice, your opportunities, and today’s business challenges.
The Client Accounting Advisory Services (CAS) area is rapidly growing in the accounting profession. To help CAS practices throughout the United States, CPA.com and AICPA PCPS have partnered to create a survey that gathers the benchmarks and develops the key performance indicators of CAS practices. As a survey participant, the data from this survey will be accessible to you, helping you to recognize those key performance indicators of the top-performing CAS practices.
This survey will help you to set expectations and goals for your CAS practice.
The new Chair of the MACPA Board of Directors for 2018-19, and also a partner at Garbelman Winslow in Upper Marlboro, Samantha A. Bowling, CPA, CGMA, comments, “The role of the CPA has changed from that of a story teller to a fortune teller. To remain relevant during this innovation age you must be able to anticipate the needs of your clients before they even know what they need. Technology will automate most services that CPAs provide during the next 3-5 years ... so it’s imperative for CPAs to develop or enhance their Advisory Services.”
The survey is open through July 15. Participants will receive access to their free personalized summary report on December 5.
For more information: 2018 CAS Benchmark Survey.
“There's no good idea that cannot be improved on.”--Michael Eisner