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Labor Day 2011: Laborers wanted

LS002300 There's not a lot for American workers to celebrate this Labor Day. The August job numbers were dismal, unemployment is still north of 9 percent, and those who are working are likely to be overworked.

Heck, even Jerry Lewis isn't working this Labor Day.

Still, CPAs who are looking for the silver lining in all of this might find it here: The accounting and bookkeeping sector posted 34,800 more jobs in August 2011 than August 2010 — a year-over-year gain of 4 percent.

"Considering the overall economy remains mired in recessionary troubles, the accounting and bookkeeping sector seems to be a bright spot — even in a down month," writes Rick Telberg in CPA Trendlines.

When it comes to good economic news, beggars can't be choosers, can we?

With that in mind, here's hoping you can set all of this stuff aside for a while and have a terrific Labor Day!

Save me a burger and a beer ...


Bill Sheridan