Financial Planning

Top 10 small business trends

Listen2 Small business is the engine that will pull us out of this recession. That is what everyone seems to agree on, which means we should be watching the major trends affecting small business.

Blogger Steve King over at Small Business Labs (one of my favorite blogs on SMB trends) posted this presentation and post titled Presentation on 2009 Top 10 Business Trends, which includes a link to a text version. Here they are:

  1. The recession drives small business innovation (and efficiency).
  2. Government plays an increasing role in the economy.
  3. Global infrastructure and stimulus spending.
  4. The number of small businesses will increase in 2009.
  5. Small business globalization will temporarily slow.
  6. Baby boomer retirement problems lead them to small business.
  7. Gen Y turns to small business.
  8. Mobile computing continues strong growth.
  9. Cloud computing becomes mainstream for small business.
  10. Small business use of online marketing tools expands.

You can view the full presentation on SlideShare at this link.