Legislative & Regulatory

Vote for that one … or that one. Just vote.

VoteLess than a month to go until Election Day. Don't worry ... it only seems like a lifetime.

But if you haven't done so yet, you don't have that much time to register to vote.

According to the Maryland Board of Elections, the deadline to register is 9 p.m. on Oct. 14. You'll find Maryland's voter registration application here.

During the primaries, we wrote about an online tool that can help you choose a candidate whose views most closely match your own. The "Select a Candidate Quiz" has been updated for the presidential race. Feel free to give it another try.

You might also want to check out ElectionTaxes.com, which will show you how each candidate's tax plans will impact your own taxes over the next four years.

Who's your choice for president, and why?


Bill Sheridan