How are CPAs using social media?

DSC04417Want to get on the front page of the Wall Street Journal with your story? Just use free social media tools like Facebook and Twitter.

That is exactly what Verasage value pricing evangelist Dan Morris says happened when he got published on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

Dan says, "I think today demonstrated the value of the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and their ability to spread the word.  Encouraging others to read our materials and help us with our mission to Bury the Billable Hour." See Rick Telberg's post about it, "CPA credits Facebook, Twitter for Wall Street Journal front page story."

Then there is the Maryland story about Naden/Lean and how Twitter launched a CPA firm into the top Google rankings.

And our own story at the MACPA. See my interview with Rick Telberg about Why CPAs Twitter (and other social media uses) and join us by completing the first social media survey for CPAs. Rick presented the results of his survey at our Maryland Business and Accounting Expo in June.

We hosted a Maryland Tweetup last February, which featured some of the top social media gurus in the CPA profession (see our photos on Flickr). Pictured are Chris Jenkins, Tom Hood, Bill Sheridan, Jeff De Cagna, Edith Orenstein, Francine McKenna and Rick Telberg. Most of this crew plus a couple of others were also featured on a panel at the Expo. See videos of their session: Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

If you are worried about the disadvantages of social media, check out this recent study from Melbourne Australia that concludes Twitter, Facebook, and office Web surfing can actually improve productivity.  


Here are two interviews I did with the Journal of Accountancy on social media and CPAs:

How to leverage social networking

Social media tips (video)

Accounting for Second Life

We have created a special program to jump start your social media efforts. Contact Pam Devine if you are interested in details and the dates of upcoming sessions.

Still not convinced? Come see my session at CCH's User Conference on Tuesday, Oct. 27 at 10:30 a.m. at the Gaylord National Harbor, Maryland, where I will talk about "Social Media: Passing Fad or Valuable Tool?"