Interested in how much money you'll receive via Social Security after you retire? The Social Security Administration has a new tool that can tell you.
It's called the Retirement Estimator. By plugging in a few pieces of personal information, the tool will tell you how much you might receive from Social Security each month if you retire at 62, 67 and 70. It's a pretty cool tool that could help you plan for your post-retirement financial security.
Fair warning: The information you must enter includes your full name, date of birth and Social Security number, so if you're nervous about providing that type of information online, you won't be able to use the Retirement Estimator.
But Erica Easter, a public affairs specialist with the SSA, says your information is safe.
"To protect your privacy," Easter writes, "only the final retirement estimates are given to you online. The Retirement Estimator does not show your earnings record information on which the final benefit estimate was calculated. And it does not reveal any personal information, such as your address, earnings or other information, that could lead to identity theft."
Check it out when you have an opportunity. Once you're done, check out these other financial literacy resources: