Leadership / Management

CPA, MACPA member named Person of the Year

Merle Elliott CPAs never cease to amaze me.

Meet Merle Elliott, one of the founders of one of Maryland's largest CPA firms, Smith Elliott & Kearns (SEK) located in Hagerstown.

Merle recently attended our fall town hall in Frederick. At 81 years old, he is still keeping up with the CPA profession, and still g,iving back to the community. In my view he is a consummate professional.

Then I learned he was named Person of the Year by the Herald Mail of Hagerstown. The subtitle of the article reads, "Accountant served on key board for decades that helped residents, brought jobs to the community."

Decades of service to the community! Enough said.

Read the full article to fully grasp his accomplishments and commitment to the community. This is why we like to say, "Maryland counts on CPAs!"

Our congratulations and admiration to Merle for being a role model for all of us.