Financial Planning

Whipped by Wall Street? Get a boost from Buffett

MoneyI've finally found a glass-is-half-full take on the economic crisis, courtesy of cartoonist Robert Leighton. In a recent edition of Time, he came up with a list of upbeat terms we can use in place of "recession." They include:

  • Frugal Fest
  • The Scrimpadelic Era
  • Saving Spree

All kidding aside, there's always room for a saving spree, isn't there? If you're going to do it, you might as well do it right -- and by "right," I mean "the way Warren Buffett did it." Parade magazine recently featured "10 Ways to Get Rich," Buffett's top pieces of advice for saving and investing successfully. Here they are:

  1. Reinvest your profits. "When you first make money, you may be tempted to spend it," the article states."Don't. Instead, reinvest."
  2. Be willing to be different. The article puts it another way: "Don't base your decisions upon what everyone is saying or doing."
  3. 3. Never suck yor thumb. Too much waiting and watching is nothing more than thumb-sucking, says Buffett. "Gather the information you need to make a decision (and) make sure you stick to a deadline," the article reads.
  4. Spell out the deal before you start. "Your bargaining leverage is always greatest before you begin a job," says the article. "That's when you have something to offer that the other party wants."
  5. Watch small expenses. The companies in which Buffett invests are often the ones that pay attention to the little details.
  6. Limit what you borrow.
  7. Be persistent. That's the way to win against more established competition, says Buffett.
  8. Know when to quit ... "and don't let anxiety fool you into trying again," the article warns.
  9. Assess the risks. Sounds simple, but it's terribly important in everything we do.
  10. Know what success really means. Here's a hint: It's not about personal wealth.

Read the rest of the article here, then check out these other financial literacy resources:


Bill Sheridan