Best recession-proof careers
What is the best career during this recession?
Accounting (CPA) ranks in the top 10 in most lists around. Even better, it made the list two or even three times in several recent studies. If you are hedging your bets, that's double or triple the odds of having a stable job during these turbulent times.
Forbes ranked accounting management as third and accounting staff as fourth in an article on the top 10 recession-proof careers. Business Week listed accounting fourth(accounting managers), fifth (accounting staff) and 10th (corporate accounting / finance departments). The most recent report from JobFox on Trendhunter showed accounting as third.
Number 1 on the list? Sales representatives. Nursing and health care were also high in all of the rankings, as were network administrators (IT).
While this is no surprise to accounting insiders, it is great to see the "outsiders" getting it right. Diane Borhani, who heads campus reporting for Deloitte, got it right when she said in the Forbes piece, "Tax work, auditing, preparing company's quarterly reports and all of that still goes on, tough economy or not. These things happen no matter what."
Borhani added, "There's increased demand for accounting consultants in order to make businesses run more efficiently."
And there is no signs of the demand lessening anytime soon. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, accountants and auditors rank in the top 20 occupations with the most demand for 2006-2016.
See our related posts, How to Recession-Proof Your Career and Top 5 Factors That Will Define The Future.
More MACPA resources:
- Cost Management and Improvement program on Jan. 22
- Surviving the Recession program on Jan. 23
- MACPA's special section on the economy