That is why 100-plus young professionals attended the first AICPA E.D.G.E. Conference last week in New Orleans.
"Stop. Breathe. Dream." That was one of many nuggets of wisdom from these emerging leaders as we finished the conference with an interactive session on "How to Succeed in the New Normal."
Here is a copy of the closing keynote with the results of our leadership mindstretcher exercise in which they developed the top ways leadership is changing and the top things young professionals need to succeed as future leaders (slides 17 - 26):
AICPA Edge 2011 - Leadership in New Normal for Young Professionals View more presentations from Tom Hood Here were some of my favorites from the group:
And a world of the attributes of a leader in the new normal.
And here is our recommended reading list for leaders by the best of the best:
The changing landscape of leadership:
Leadership -- personal development
Network leadership -- social media
How do you find and keep your edge? Any favorite leadership books you recommend?