Maryland Speaker Busch visits CPAs at CPA Day in Annapolis
Maryland Speaker of the House, Michael Busch stopped in to greet a record attendance of CPAs at MACPA's annual CPA Day in Annapolis.
Over 120 CPAs arrived early for the legislative briefing and then went en masse to the "hill" to meet with their legislators. The members reported that the legislators listened to their issues.
Several major reports were brougt back from our CPAs:
- There should not be any sales tax on services this session, but watch out next year.
- There is unlikely to be any civil liability reform attempts by trial lawyers this year
That's two of our major issues that may be deferred. We will be looking for the 120/150 hour CPA Exam legisaltions from the DLLR and watching the developments in combined reporting. ANother area of concern is the Unemployment Tax changes being proposed - see the Maryland Chamber's report here.
While the legislators were in session, we provided a free 2-hour CPE update of the federal and state legislative, regulatory, and standards changes (and there are a lot of them!)
You can see a copy of the presentation on slideshare here
We finished the day with lunch, when over 130 lawmakers joined our CPAs by district to break bread and discuss the issues one more time.
See pictures of this event here and 2010 CPA day photos
See a great post by MACPA member Sharon Gubinsky here
Thanks to all MACPA members who joined us for this very important day!