Leadership / Management

Tom Hood a top influencer … again


I know he won't, so I'll do Tom Hood's bragging for him.

The MACPA's fearless leader, the CPA profession's resident visionary and CPA Success's friendly neighborhood co-blogger has once again been named to Accounting Today's annual list of the 100 most influential people in accounting.

I know, I know -- ho-hum, right? Tom makes this list pretty much every year. It'll be news when he doesn't make the cut.

Still, it's a pretty big deal to those of us who know and work for him -- and for MACPA members as well. Tom's leadership and forethought keep the MACPA on the cutting edge and our members a step ahead. We're proud of him, and we're proud to work for him.

Even cooler is this: Accounting Today asked each of this year's influencers to name the three people they believe are most influential, and Tom was near the top of that list as well, joining such accounting heavyweights as AICPA chief Barry Melancon, SEC Chair Mary Shapiro, FASB Chair Leslie Seidman and President Obama.

That's pretty good company -- and for Tom, it's evidence that his vision is spot-on.

Congratulations, boss. Take a bow.

And congratulations, too, to the rest of our friends who made the list -- you know who you are. In these chaotic times, your work on behalf of the profession has been extraordinary and invaluable. Keep it up.


Bill Sheridan