Leadership / Management

Leadership and social media for CPAs

Loud Can social media help you become a leader and advance in your career and profession?

Answer: Can building more relationships, interacting with thought leaders and leveraging technology to manage more relationships help your career?

The point is this: It is not about the technology. It's really about the RELATIONSHIPS.

That is the message Janice Maiman of the AICPA and I will be delivering to our group of talented young professionals at our session this afternoon at the inaugural AICPA Leadership Academy. (You can follow the conversation on Twitter using hashtag #AICPALDR.)

Last night at dinner, we had a great conversation about social media and CPAs. Many of these young leaders are concerned that the leaders don't "get it" and have blocked most social media sites in their organizations. Most believe the tools are valuable and that the younger generation entering the workforce will demand access to these tools. This is great example of the growing "digital divide" between the millennials and the other generations.

The new generation thinks of technology as the way in which they interact with their world, both personally and profesisonally. iPods, Facebook, IM, Twitter, Flickr and other social media tools are just how they relate to the world. Taking these tools away is like putting them in exile.

Let's flip it. What if you could take the new generation entering work with a network of contacts (average of more than 1,000) that could be used for future work, future employees, increasing communication, teamwork and even research?

Here are the top five tools you should use to get started:

  1. Create your digital footprint. Create profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google.
  2. Start listening. Use Google Reader or Bloglines to begin reading thought leaders in your profession or areas of interest.
  3. Continue listening. Create your Twitter account and follow your profession and areas of interest.
  4. Start sharing. Create a blog and record your thoughts.
  5. Share. Recognize and promote the people you find interesting.

What do you think? How can we convince our current leaders in authority to reconsider the benefits of social media at work?

Here is a copy of our presentation and Download Social Networking-AICPA Leadership Academy with some great social media resources for CPAs.

In the meantime, get started in social media in 15 minutes a day with our self-guided learning blog, CPA Learning 2.

More resources and posts on social media and CPAs: