I first saw Tim Sanders in 2005 at one of my favorite conferences, DigitalNow. At that time, Tim was Yahoo's Leadership Coach and in charge of their internal leadership development initiatives. His message really resonated with me and I immediately bought his book, Love is the Killer App. His most recent post reminded me how much I liked Tim and his book.
He changed the way I read, what I read, and how I share that knowledge in profound ways (I already had the compassion part) and his book contains a great selection of business reads. Here is the essence of Tim's advice and why I think love is still the killer app:
Tim's three steps to differentiate yourself and become a Love Cat:
See Tim's appropriate Valentine's Day post, Why Love is the Most Powerful Force in Business, in which he writes:
"If you want your success to last, build it on the platform of BizLove. Promote success in all those you do business with -- treat your employees and customers like you'd treat your family. Why? People reciprocate and give back Love. It's how we are built as beings. In certain cases, fear or suffering trigger non-reciprocity ... which can result in greed, evil or deception. But those cases are very rare, once your ego lets go of them.
"How do we Love people at work? We share our intangibles: Knowledge, network and compassion. We learn from sharing and refine our ability to find synergy in others: Where reciprocity truly spins up relationships into career-changing opportunities. Or as I say in the book, Nice Smart People Succeed."
See my earlier post about Tim's approach to reading titled, "What are you feeding your brain?" to see how to get that knowledge in your head. Then, start thinking about ways you can use it to create value for your colleagues and customers.
Look for his newest book coming in April, titled Today We Are Rich.
Check out the video Yahoo alumn Adrian Smith produced at Stacey's bookstore in SF way back in 2001: Tim Sanders on Love Is The Killer App:
Love Is The Killer App from Tim Sanders on Vimeo.
See our prior post about Tim Sanders from New CPAs titled, The Secret To Career Success: The Killer App
Thanks for sharing the love, Tim!