Does money really talk?

OK, firm partners, here's a quick quiz: What's the most important factor in a new CPA recruit's decision to stay (or not stay) with your firm?

Think your answer is the same as those given by the recruits themselves? Think again.

According to a new study by the AICPA's Private Companies Practice Section, 93 percent of firm partners say salary is the driving force behind a new recruit's decision to join and stay with the organization. But 80 percent of the CPAs themselves say the opportunity for advancement within the firm is most important to them.

"While there is no lack of young talent seeking employment, CPA firm leaders must understand what drives new professionals to join and stay at their firms," said James Metzler, the AICPA's vice president of Small Firm Interests.

Are you meeting your young professionals' expectations? What would they say?


Bill Sheridan