The four biggest issues facing Maryland CPAs in the legislature this year
What are the four biggest issues facing CPAs and small businesses in the upcoming 2012 meeting of the Maryland General Assembly?
- Taxes - all types of individual and corporate taxes;
- Taxes - gross receipts, combined reporting, and sales tax on services;
- Taxes - Sales taxes on tax, accounting, and consulting services; and
- Overreaching Liability Reform (aka Tort) which will increase frivolous lawsuits and your insurance premiums.
The writing is on the wall. Maryland continues to face a structural deficit of $1 billion (remember the Thornton unfunded educational mandate?), the federal ARRA recovery money to states has run out, and the state has an ongoing structural deficit that must be closed (we have a constitutional balanced budget requirement).
The good news is that our legislators listen and they trust CPAs (the mosted trusted advisors to business).
Bottom line is do you want to be a victim or a participant?
if you want to have a say, come to CPA Day, it is that simple. Here is where you can register and this year we will feature advice from Delegate Brian Feldman (one of two CPAs in the legislature) in thr morning and Comptroller Peter Franchot in our free CPE slot (while the legislators are in session 10:00 am - noon).
Here is where you register for CPA Day in Annapolis (January 12, 2012 7:30am - 1:00pm (free to MACPA Members features 2 hours of free CPE, breakfast & lunch).
Five hours of your life to look your legislators in the eye and tell them what our issues are and how we want them to vote. I guarantee they will listen and that we will be successful. See what we achieved last year and why we need record turnout again!
Stay home, be a victim, and complain about how bad the legislators are and be prpared to get out your wallet.
If not you, who will come and represent your districts?
If not now, when?
I hope you will join us in our 112th session advocacting for you!
See Bill's post about last year's CPA day - Maryland CPAs save the world... again!
and Adrienne Gonzalez at Going Concern What happens when 150 CPAs storn the capital?
and Sharon Gubinsky's blog post CPA Day in Annapolis, Maryland recap