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Look, Lead, Love, Learn: MACPA’s first e-book hits Amazon


After more than six years of writing for this blog, here's what I've noticed: The conversation among CPAs has gone well beyond technical issues. Today's CPAs need to know how to collaborate, connect, innovate and inspire.

Tom Hood and I have been examining those issues ever since we launched CPA Success in 2007. Now, as a thank-you and brief value-add to our readers, we've compiled some of the best lessons and stories from the blog into a new e-book, Look, Lead, Love, Learn: Four Steps to Better Business, a Better Life – and Conquering Complexity in the Process.

The e-book is available on

The world is a complex place, and like everyone else, CPAs are feeling the stress that always rides shotgun with massive change. CPA Success has become a place where Tom and I can shift the conversation to issues that are complicating CPAs' lives — the changing face of leadership, the growing importance of lifelong learning, generational differences, the game-changing potential of social media, and the legislative or regulatory changes that impact the profession.

Look, Lead, Love, Learn is a collection of just a few of those lessons. As the title suggests, the e-book includes four sections:

  • “Look” is about foresight – the critical task of waking ourselves up, gazing to the horizon and see what’s coming at us.
  • “Lead” focuses on the changing nature of leadership – more communication and collaboration, less command and control.
  • “Love” is our human side. We’re here to serve, not be served. Once we learn that, the world is ours.
  • “Learn” is the key to everything. When change is a constant, the most important skill we posses is the ability to learn new skills.

If you're a loyal reader of CPA Success, you've probably read most of these stories before -- but you haven't read them in quite this way. My hope is that Look, Lead, Love, Learn will add a bit of context to what Tom and I have been writing.

Download a copy, give it a read, then give it a review on Amazon. I'd love to hear what you think.


Bill Sheridan