Leadership / Management

How to build synergy in your organization

Synergy? I know, it's that over-used management term for 1 + 1 = 3. (The sum is greater than its parts). However, I think it really is possible, and this past Monday we had some help from an expert in trying to develop and nurture that trait in our team at the MACPA.

First a few words on synergy ...

Power_rangersRemember the Power Rangers? It was a kids show during the early 1990s featuring high school kids who were part of a superhero team called the Power Rangers. This small group of teen-agers (think "team") each had his or her own special color (and special powers), and they would "morph" into superheroes when evil monsters threatened their communities. When they encountered a very tough monster, they would combine their forces by touching their swords and then morph into a super "Megazord." They actually became one combined superhero and then quickly defeated the extra tough threat.

Dsc09592The Kolbe training we did this week reminded me of that. Sandra Wiley of Boomer Consulting led us in a team training session on using the Kolbe Personality Profile and how to use it for individuals, teams, and in hiring. Our whole team took the Kolbe test and then found our instinctive working strengths, indicated by a color (I am a "long green.") Then we took the time to understand the working styles of each color and how they could work together to form more efficient and productive teams. (Synergy!) Just like the Power Rangers, the best teams have a mixture of the colors and Sandra did a great job educating us on how to put together optimum teams with the help of our Kolbe indexes.

The power behind the Kolbe instrument seems to come from its grounding in conation, which is our natural instincts toward how we work. Research proves that your instinctive way of work will be your most effective style, and working against that will drain you of energy and effectiveness. Ditto for teams: Too much of any one color could inhibit a team from peak performance.

Here are the four basic colors:

  • Red: "Fact Finder" instinct reveals a need to conduct in-depth investigation and facts.
  • Blue: "Follow Through" instinct compels us to seek a sense of order or structure (think process).
  • Green: "Quick Start" instinct is the force behind exploration and experimentation.
  • Yellow: "Implementor" instinct is the physical builder who turns ideas into objects.

Think about how this can help you increase team performance, retain your top talent and create an environment of mutual respect and appreciation for your whole team.

I am excited to have another tool that can help us achieve that elusive "synergy" in our team. Thanks, Sandra!

PS: Sandra is one of our newest strategic partners in our Business Learning Institute and available to do custom programs for your company or firm. Contact Pam Devine.