Business Strategy | Leadership / Management

The top 3 strategic challenges facing organizations

Call it serendipity, but we recently came across three instances of talking about disruption and what to do about it. They involved the sixth most influential business thinker in the world and friend of MACPA / BLI, Rita McGrath.    It started at our town hall meeting / professional issues update in Columbia. It turned up again (especially No. 1 below) with our Maryland Public Company Finance / Accounting Collaboration ThinkTank session. Then, it resurfaced at the end of the day in a conference call with a couple of association executives on a panel I am moderating at the upcoming DigitalNow Conference. It was as if Rita was in each one of these conversations, spreading her message that this is the end of competitive advantage (which is the title of her most recent book) and the beginning of the transient advantage economy.    So it was no surprise when Rita's latest newsletter showed up in my e-mail box, as if on cue. This interview with her lays out what she sees as the top three challenges facing organizations. Here they are, along with a short interview with her.

  1. Do they have the right talent and skills in place?
  2. How will they sustain growth and innovation?
  3. How do I make sure I have the right line of sight into my business operations? 


Starting with No. 1, we are hearing many versions of these same three challenges. In fact, we have lots of resources to help with talent; see our post, Is a paradigm shift in talent management needed?

What do you think? Are these the right top three, or would you add something new? Or maybe replace one of these? Tell us in the comments below.

You can see Rita in a special three-hour webcast from noon to 3 p.m. EST on May 16. Register here.

Join us on June 16 for our CPA Innovation Summit at the Baltimore Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor.

Follow Rita on Twitter @rgmcgrath


How to grow and avoid disruption in 2014, from LinkedIn

Can your career survive transient competitive advantage?, from Strategy + Business

If your team isn't doing these six things your doomed, from CPA Success

The top 5 challenges facing CFOs, from Corporate Finance Insider

Two themes to keep millennials engaged, from CGMA 

Meeting the challenge of the young and the restless, from the Journal of Accountancy