"All businesses have some form of "change or die" issues they face." -- Michael Dell
Michael Dell sits down for a conversation with the winners of the Dell / NFIB Small Business Excellence Awards and offers some great lessons for thinking about the challenges facing companies, growth and globalization.
This video comes from Mark Graham of www.rightsleeve.com, who was able to spend time with Michael Dell at Dell's headquarters in Round Rock, Texas, on Nov 12, 2009, after being named one of the winners of the awards. Congratulations to Mark and his team.
Here is a direct link to the video.
Listen in as he talks about:
Two questions to consider for 2010:
CPAs: Pay attention to the last question and ask how you can help your small businesses deal with globalization and position their businesses for growth. Enjoy!
Mark Graham (RIGHTSLEEVE) speaks with Michael Dell from Mark Graham on Vimeo.