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Once more, with feeling: Celebrating our newest CPAs


Each year, the MACPA hosts just about the most awesome accounting-related event in the history of the world -- a swearing-in ceremony for Maryland's newest CPAs that serves as their official welcome to the profession.

And each year I undersell it by calling it every boring, stodgy, emotionless name in the book -- "ceremony," "oath," "event," "accomplishment." Geez, I'm nodding off at my laptop as we speak. What's wrong with me?

You want to know what it really is?

It's a celebration. It's a joyous, jubilant, flat-out rockin' celebration that showcases the profession's commitment to protecting the public and its increasingly important role in determining our financial future.

All you need to do is look at the faces in the room.

This year's celebration was held Thursday at the BWI Hilton, and in the interest of full disclosure, I wasn't there. I traveled last week, I'm traveling next week, and my MACPA overlords let me sit this one out.

But I read the tweets, I looked at the photos, and I saw the pride in the words and on the faces -- the faces of the new CPAs, sure, but also the faces of their families, their colleagues and bosses, their regulators, and the folks who will serve them as part of their professional association. It was, in a word, inspirational.

Last year, I published a couple of thoughts about why this is such an important event for our profession, and they hold true today.

The most important reason, though, was etched on the faces of everyone in the room last night -- pride in their accomplishment, in their mission, and in the profession.

Want a taste? Watch this video. If you aren't moved by the sight of current CPAs honoring new CPAs with cheers and standing ovations, you're unmovable. 



Bill Sheridan