MACPA panel testifies on 120/150 legislation


It takes a village to protect a profession.

A representative group of key stakeholders was on hand to testify before the House Economic Matters Committee on March 17 in Annapolis.

HB 1137, State Board of Public Accountancy Educational Requirements for CPA Examination and Licensure, is a bill that effects accounting students, educators and, of course, the CPA profession. This is perfect example of the value of your association (MACPA), which has representation from all of these groups.

In the picture is yours truly (Tom Hood) with Ray Speciale, CPA (educator member of the State Board of Public Accountancy), Andrew Hood (MACPA student member and accounting student at Salisbury University), Allen DeLeon, CPA (managing partner of his firm and secretary / treasurer of the MACPA), and Dr. Jim McKinney, CPA (accounting professor at University of Maryland, member of the MACPA Board, member of the MACPA Members in Education Committee, and the MACPA's official historian).

They did a great job in testimony and there was no opposition to the bill. We hope for a quick vote out of committee, to the House floor and over to the Senate. With only 26 days left in the session, we have to make sure it moves as fast as possible.

Stay tuned!