Legislative & Regulatory

Tax reform: The river’s gonna rise in 2013


If you ask me, summaries of tax legislation are like Jell-O: There's always room for more.

With that in mind, I give you a pair of new CCH tax briefings:

The first, "Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012," takes a closer look at the payroll tax cut extension passed recently by Congress. The summary includes details about employer provisions, 11th-hour additions and subtractions to the legislation, estimated corporate tax payments, and more.

The second, "FY 2013 Federal Budget Proposals," examines President Obama's proposed 2012 federal budget. We previously had offered a list of links to summaries of the proposed budget, and now we'll throw the CCH summary on the fire as well, for no other reason than this insightful quote:

"President Obama's FY 2013 budget did not include details about corporate tax reform. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, in testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee on February 15, indicated that the adminstration intends to release a 'framework' for corporate tax reform later in February. The size of the reduction in the corproate tax rate the President will propose is unclear. In the past, President Obama has said he would support reducing the corporate tax rate in exchange for the closing on unspecified tax loopholes.

"Geithner further explained that the administration would not also tackle individual tax reform in the immediate future. However, consensus is growing that no matter what the outcome of the November elections, comprehensive tax reform for both corporations and individuals is on the horizon and will bring significant changes to the Tax Code as early as 2013 or 2014."

In other words, don't expect much before the election. Come Nov. 7, though, everything's on the table.

I don't know about you, but I cannot wait. I'm throwing the sarcasm in for free.


Bill Sheridan