
Don’t be duped by these new financial scams

Scam_2Chasing down financial scam artists is like playing Whac-a-Mole: As soon as you nail one, another one pops up to take its place.

More often than not, the scammers impersonate the IRS in the hopes of duping people into clicking on malicious links or surrendering their personal information. That's the case with a couple of new warnings.

The first comes from, a Web site that debunks urban legends. Apparently, there is an e-mail notice floating around that purports to be from the IRS and issues "complaints in regard to business services." It's a hoax designed to get people to click on a link that will plant a "Trojan horse" on the recipient's computer. Such files can allow outsiders to have access to the recipient's personal information.

The IRS is warning taxpayers about a similar scam "intended to fool people into believing they are under investigation by the agency’s Criminal Investigation division."

If you have any doubt about the authenticity of warnings that appear to come from the IRS, check out the IRS's page of suspicious e-mails and identity theft scams. Snopes also offers comprehensive information about the latest scams.


Bill Sheridan