Are you future-ready? And other reflections & resources from the CCH User Conference


That was the theme of this year's CCH User Conference. Besides a record attendance, there was something in the air, an energy that created an uneasiness and got your heart pumping.

Are we starting to round that curve to a recovery? Or have we just decided to "punch this economy in the nose" and press on?

Either way, there were a lot of CPAs working to get future-ready in San Antonio.

Here are some key points on how firms become future-ready from CCH President and CEO Mike Sabbatis:

  1. They take a holistic view of their business processes and workflow.
  2. They engage their employees in the business.
  3. They continuously improve and optimize their performance.
  4. They work in a disciplined way to implement new technology.

Watch Mike's keynote address, in which he recaps and shares insights from the CCH report released at the conference. 

Here are some more resources and reflections from the conference:

Check out photos from the conference here and here.

I have had several requests for my presentation, "Leadership in the Participatory Economy," as well as my reading list and our Insights to Go worksheet, so here they are:

Leadership in Participatory Economy- CCH User Conf 2011

View more of my presentations from here.

Here's my reading list from our Leadership Academy work.

Insights to Go worksheet, developed for the CPA Horizons 2025 Project.

Examples of our particpatory, collaboration-based strategic thinking system applied:

More resources from the conference:

Check out these very cool conference highlights "Storified" by MACPA social media guru and editor Bill Sheridan:

Here is an archive of tweets from -- 659 tweets over two and a half days!

Don't miss Tim Sanders' famous and funny e-mail etiquette tips.