Leadership / Management

A final word on recruitment …

YoungYesterday we talked at length about recruiting and retaining a new generation of workers. We'll add a brief postscript today with a few notes:

  1. In case you missed it, National Public Radio produced a five-minute segment titled "Firms Hire Consultants to Handle Needy Workers" which offered interesting insight from older and younger workers alike. The report was featured on NPR's "Business Story of the Day" podcast.
  2. Cam Marston, a consultant who specializes in multigenerational communications and marketing, has written an essay in which he debunks a number of myths about the Millennials and offers this advice for employers: "When the frustration mounts, just remember things aren’t always what they seem. Open your mind to the possibility that there is a benign, generational reason for the disconnect between what you want and what your employees are providing, and you may just find room to create a shared vision of success."
  3. The MACPA will offer a program on Sept. 24 titled "Generational Leadership: What Are They Thinking?" The program will be held at the MACPA's Towson office. Attendees will learn more about generational differences and develop an appreciation for how valuable those differences can be.

Stay tuned: We'll bring you updates and further resources about this important topic as we find them.


Bill Sheridan