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Recession survival guide: Top tips for businesses, consumers

RecessionNo one likes a recession, but there are plenty of ways in which businesses and consumers alike can blunt the pain of an economic downturn.

Let's start with Rick Telberg's tips for how businesses can turn a recession to their advantage. Telberg cites marketing expert  Jean Marie Caragher, who says, “To ensure smart spending in a slow economy, CPAs should focus on current clients, develop niche specialties, work their networks and ask for referrals.” Read more of Caragher's tips on Telberg's CPATrendlines blog.

Next up is Workforce Management's examination of the new, more measured approach HR departments are taking toward this latest downturn. During past recessions, the strategy was the cut costs through the indiscriminate elimination of jobs. Given today's talent shortages, though, that dog no longer hunts.

"Unlike past recessions," writes Workforce Management's Jessica Marquez, "this time some companies are giving more thought to how they reduce headcount and how they continue to retain and recruit. ... In an increasingly tight labor market, companies realize they can’t assume that the talent they need will be available for rehiring when the markets pick up again."

On a more personal note, Money Magazine's Stephen Gandel offers advice for how recession-wary consumers can protect their investments, personal finances, homes and jobs. Step No. 1: Educate yourself ... and get some perspective. "For the most part," Gandel writes, "the U.S. economy bounces back from hard times quickly."

What's your best advice for recession-proofing your life?


Bill Sheridan