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Do we need a re-Set? And can the crowd help?

Reset "In my view, what we now have will be a fundamental economic reset." -- Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft

The big question is, do we need to reset our organizations? Are we in fundamentally new territory, or do we just need to go back to business the way we did pre-recession?

Needless to say, I was intrigued to see a program about this, via social media, titled, re-Set: The Business Models of Tomorrow in New York next week. The subtitles are "re-Set minds, re-Set thinking, re-Set business -- a business forum with a difference." These happen to be the questions I am hearing a lot lately from CPAs in all areas -- major firms, business and industry, government and non-profits.

The panel also happens to include some of the key business thought leaders I follow and whose books I read, so I jumped at the opportunity. I registered with my colleague and MACPA's chief operating officer, Jackie Brown, and then we needed to find a hotel so we could come up the night before.

Again, through my social media (Twitter) connections, I was intrigued about a "new" hotel called the Roger Smith Hotel in New York, which has become somewhat of a social media hotspot (and very reasonable to boot). Check out Guy Kawasaki's post, "How the Roger Smith became the social media hotel."

So we made the reservations, and then I got to thinking some more ...

Given the power of the panel at the re-Set event -- Seth Godin (moderator), Tom Peters, Gary Vaynerchuk, Michael Eisner and Anna Bernasek -- is it possible to tap the wisdom of the crowd in answering the big questions and finding the answers? Can we use social media, like this blog, to start some of the conversations and maybe find some answers together?

It's all up to you.

So let's experiment, starting with a tweetup on Monday evening, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Lily's at the Roger Smith Hotel in New York. Here is the RSVP for the tweetup.

Plenty of people I know are betting against us. They continue to assert that social media is a "time sink," social media isn't serious, etc. Can the wisdom of the crowd start with a tweetup and begin to build some community around these big questions?

So let's experiment, starting with a tweetup on Monday evening, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Lily's at the Roger Smith Hotel in New York. Here is the RSVP for the tweetup.

Plenty of people I know are betting against us. They continue to assert that social media is a "time sink," social media isn't serious, etc. Can the wisdom of the crowd start with a tweetup and begin to build some community around these big questions?

By the way, you can get 20 percent off registration if you use the code "CPA"  and register online here.

I created a Twitter list to follow the action and will be tweeting with the hashtag #resetbiz.

Some starter questions (from the re-Set registration):

•  What is your biggest business challenge?

• What do you anticipate will be the biggest business challenges you will face in 2010?

• What challenging questions do you have for the panel?Do you think we need to re-Set our business models? Our government models