Professional unity: Leadership, trust, and hard work
The past few years have seen unprecedented legislative and regulatory challenges at both the federal and state levels. It's likely to be as bad or worse in the future.
That was Barry Melancon's opening remarks as he addressed the chairs-elect and the chief staff executives of the state CPA societies at the annual leadership conference sponsored by the AICPA and CPA-SEA (State Executives Association).
(Pictured at right is MACPA Chair-elect Anoop Mehta, AICPA Chair Paul Stahlin, and MACPA Chair Allen DeLeon from the AICPA Spring Council Meeting in D.C.)
Barry went on to talk about all of the legislative victories in the past year and how we accomplished these working together as the AICPA and the state CPA societies. (See our prior posts, The power of we and What have we done for you lately?)
It is no secret that we are one of the most successful professions from an advocacy and public image perspective. That correlates directly to intentional collaboration and work that comes from meetings like this. Yet there is much more that we accomplish working together for the CPA profession and the public trust -- financial literacy, student recruitment, commitment to the highest standards, maintaining the quality and integrity of the profession, private company standards, and protecting the CPA brand nationally and globally.
The next session of the leadership conference included a thought-provoking session by my colleague, Gary Bollinger in Indiana, on value propositions and finding your "one thing." (He even used the "City Slickers" scene with Curley that you town hall junkies will remember.)
The closing session was a terrific presentation by Cam Marston of Generational Insights on the four generations in the workforce and the implications for our associations. He gave some great insights into how we can work to turn these generational challenges into opportunities. I happen to think we are in for a golden age of young leadership in the profession (based on our recent experiences with our MACPA Leadership Academy graduates).
Today, we will break out as chief volunteer leaders and chief staff executives by size of membership to share experiences, learn, and collaborate. Our profession's unity is stronger than ever, thanks to all of the hard work of the AICPA, CPA-SEA, and all of our volunteer leaders like Anoop, Paul and Allen. Thanks for keeping our profession strong.
Here are some prior articles featuring Cam Marston from CPA Success:
- Making the most of generational differences
- Defining the generations: Who are the millennials
- Something's gotta give
- Podcast interview with Cam by MACPA editor Bill Sheridan
- Retaining youth, an article from MACPA