The hottest marketing tool around … and it’s free!

Stadium - camden yards CPAs are often called on to give presentations as part of their marketing and thought leadership efforts.

Imagine giving a presentation to a full crowd at Oriole Park at Camden Yards (remember when it was full?) with prospects you did not even invite.

That is essentially what has happened for me since using SlideShare. My latest stats show 43,164 views, 99 tweets, 802 downloads, and 59 favorites. That is like filling Camden Yards and having them view my presentations, and all without any marketing dollars or efforts.

And it is free!

SlideShare is a presentation-sharing social media site. You create an account (and profile), then simply upload your presentations (that you want to make public), add tags (search words about the content), and indicate how you want to share (allowing downloads or not, type pf permission, etc.). You can upload Powerpoint presentations, PDFs and other types of documents.

To get maximum results, begin publishing and amplifying your message in newsletters, blog posts, Facebook, etc., and soon you will be attracting stadium-sized crowds to your presentations.

SlideShare also connects well to other social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn and can easily be embedded into blog posts. Look at my LinkedIn profile to see how SlideShare connects to your profile.

Did I mention that it's free?

Check out my presentations here.