Being first is scary … and very, very lucrative

For years now, we've been telling people how dangerous it is to ignore the weak signals of disruptive change.
Now, we have the data to back it up.
That data comes courtesy of CCH, which released the results of its "Leaders Now and Next" survey at the 2013 CCH User Conference in Phoenix.
In it, CCH put forth a CPA-centric version of the technology adoption curve that's made up of four groups from within the profession:
The results were eye-opening, to say the least:
You get the idea.
So what's the bottom line?
Just this: Eighty-four percent of pioneering firms said their revenue increased over the past year, compared to 63 percent of mainstream / late adopter firms. Eighty-nine percent of pioneers reported increased profits over the past year; only 63 percent of mainstreamers / late adopters did so. And 74 percent of pioneers said their value to clients has increased over the past five years, compared to 62 percent of mainstreamers and late adopters.
If you're still looking for the ROI of staying ahead of the curve, there it is.
Look, I get it. Change is hard. Plus, why change when we're making money the old way?
Because that kind of attitude stifles innovation. It keeps you from learning anything new. It's an insult to your clients, who are desperately trying to outrun change themselves. And it will ultimately lead to your company's death, because I guarantee you this: Your competitors are changing. They're hungry, and they're ready to innovate. As former Harley executive Ken Schmidt says, "Competitors aren't eating your lunch. You're feeding it to them by doing nothing."
Be a pioneer. It pays.