Financial Planning | Leadership / Management

100 things to watch in 2011 (from JWT Worldwide)

Here at CPA Success, we are constantly scanning the horizon for trends and issues that we should be watching. Skip Falatko, the MACPA's CFO, just sent this around to our team and I wanted to share it with all of you.

It is courtesy of Ann Mack, director of trendspotting (I love that title) at JWT Worldwide, and I think it's worth a watch / read. (It already has more than 109,000 views in just a couple of days!)

JWT: 100 Things to Watch in 2011 View more presentations from JWTIntelligence.

Things that stuck out for me were bamboo, all things digital (digital downtime, No. 25; digital interventions, No. 28; apps/mobile; ignorance is bliss, No. 43; older workforce, No. 64). Many of these trends fit our Big Three mega-trends of globalization, technology, and workforce / demographics.

Also, don't miss Bill's series with Emergent Research's Steve King on the major trends affecting small business and Intuit's future of small business report, all summarized in his post Business in 2020: opportunities abound.

And to help you start the New Year understanding the latest economic outlook, join us live or via webcast at the First Friday Economic Outlook Forum on Friday, Jan. 7, 2011 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., featuring Federal Reserve Gov. Elizabeth Duke, Anirban Basu and others. It's worth four hours of CPE. For live registration, click here. (MACPA members are eligible for a discount -- use code MACPA).

Watching trends and identifying the insights from them are two key steps in our Business Learning Institute's i2a: Insight to Action strategic thinking system. Ask yourself: Which of these trends are most likely to impact your organization (and your customers/clients)? Why do you think they will impact you and what can you do about them (what opportunities can you find from these)?

Which key trends in the 100 do you think are significant and why?

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