Every CPA has to do presentations to clients, prospects, and groups. It is also one of the most effective business development activities for professionals. here are some resources to help you step up your game and create powerful presentations.
One of my favorites is Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery by Garr Reynolds. And here is his reading list from his blog (another great resource for presentation tips). Garr suggests 10 non-PowerPoint books that can help you create better presentations. Another one I would add to the list (although it is a Powerpoint book) is Beyond Bullet Points: Using Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007 to Create Presentations That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire
by Cliff Atkinson.
Our research on the Five Qualities of Extraordinary Leadersincludes "communicate" and "inspire to action" as # 4 & 5 as essential qualities for leaders. Learning how to give inspirational and effective presentations is a must have skill for every CPA.
Here are a few examples of recent presentations I did using Garr and Cliff's techniques. I am still learning and working on my "game" in this key area and would love your comments.
Don't forget to use www.slideshare.net to store and share your presentations.
How Social Networking and Remote Computing (Second Life) Transformed MACPA
Leadership I2A - Insights to Action
PIU - Managing Partners Update
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