Build your own search engine

SearchHere's a cool concept: Let's say you have a group of trusted Web sites that you visit all the time. Wouldn't it great if there were a way to search for professional resources on these sites alone, with just one search query, without having to search the entire Internet at the same time?

There is. It's called Rollyo, a Web site that allows you to create your own search engines (called "Searchrolls") that find content on just the Web sites you choose.

Here's an example: Using Rollyo, I created a Searchroll that I call IFRS. It searches for content about international financial reporting standards on Web sites for the MACPA, CPA Success, the AICPA, the SEC, FASB, IASB, CFO magazine, and an IFRS blog from PricewaterhouseCoopers. When I do a search on this Searchroll, I get IFRS resources from just these Web sites.

Not only that, but the Searchrolls you create on Rollyo can be made accessible to the public, so everyone can use them. Likewise, you can use Searchrolls that other people have created.

I'm not sure it's going to replace Google anytime soon, but you have to admit it's pretty cool in theory. Give it a try and let us know what you think.


Bill Sheridan