Photo by MJ Mac
They call it "busy season" for a reason. Luckily, there are plenty of tips out there for how you can at least try to slow down and catch your breath from time to time between now and April 15.
Let's start with Rick Telberg's 10 brain-healthy tips for tax season. Among them: prioritize, get comfortable, take regular breaks and "let go" -- by which Telberg means "concentrate on the tasks at hand." One popular way to do so, says Telberg, is called Be Here Now. "When you are trying not to think about something, your mind is occupied and you are not concentrating," one expert told Telberg. "Just let the thought go like a breeze, say to yourself, ‘be here now,’ and return to the present.”
Sounds like Serenity Now, doesn't it, "Seinfeld" fans? Unfortunately, we fans of the show know how that one turned out, don't we? Let's hope Be Here Now is a bit more effective.
Another of Telberg's tips is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Debbie Schultz, a CPA and certified personal trainer, offers some great advice in this area in "Plan your way to a healthy tax season." The article originally appeared in the MACPA's member magazine, The Statement, in 2004, but Schultz's advice continues to ring true today.
What do you do to relax during tax season?