How well do CPA firms and their clients understand each other? A recent study provides some interesting answers.
The study points to signs of a new "expectations gap" between what a client expects and what a CPA firm actual provides. Firms and their clients disagree on such basic notions as client satisfaction, stability and longevity of a firm's clients, who a client's key decision-makers are, and even marketing strategies.
The good news? The report "should prove useful to both CPA firms seeking to fine-tune their client acquisition and retention strategies, as well as to finance managers charged with engaging a CPA firm and evaluating its performance."
And there's more good news as well: The MACPA can help close that "expectations gap" with the solutions it provides its members. Networking opportunities, referrals and seminars are just some of the tools members can use to get to know their clients and firms better.
What have you done to successfully narrow this new "expectations gap?"
Looking for more advice? Read the AccountingWeb article, "Why Clients Leave CPA Firms."