Business Strategy | Leadership / Management

What’s on your list?

Dsc08856 I just got back  from our Beach Retreat and am working through my latest stack of summer reading, most of which I got from recommendations from people a lot smarter than me.

Then I just saw Rita Keller's daily quote on her blog: "The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll give me a book I ain't read." - Abraham Lincoln.

I am thankful for all of my friends who inspire me with good books. I want to share a few with you:

  • Bob Bunting, chairman of IFAC, former CEO of Moss Adams and past chair of the AICPA, recommended Drucker's Managing in Turbulent Times, which led me to another Drucker classic titled, The Five Most Important Questions. Both of these should be on your list this summer.
  • Our blog coach, Debbie Weil, just did a post on her summer reading list.
  • Dan Roam (who just wrote one of my recommended reads titled, The Back of the Napkin) published the Business Week List on his blog.
  • Here is an interesting piece of advice from Warren Buffet (and Tim Sanders; see my prior post) when asked, "What is the one piece of advice you would give someone you have never met?" His respone was "Read, read, read." See this post from Josh tiled, Postcard from Warren Buffet.
  • See Bill Sheridan's most recent post, "19 killer additions to your summer reading list," and last year's summer list at our prior post.
  • Finally, I started using a Web 2.o book application called Shelfari (recommended by Ron Baker). If you are an avid reader and want to share with others, check it out at Look me up and check out our new group called "CPA Leadership," where we hope to create a virtual book club for CPAs.