Three questions for tomorrow’s leaders: Don’t flunk this quiz

The CPA profession needs new leaders. We need ‘em by the truckload.
Here’s the problem: We’re training tomorrow’s leaders to work like yesterday’s leaders.
So says Roselinde Torres, a leadership expert and managing director at the New York office of The Boston Consulting Group.
In a new TED talk, Torres says more than half of today’s businesses aren’t prepared to turn the reins over to new leadership. Why? Because the ways in which they’ve trained their new leaders are woefully outdated, “based largely on success models for a world that was, not a world that is or that is coming,” she said.
“In a world that is more global, digitally enabled and transparent, with faster speeds of information flow and innovation, and where nothing big gets done without some kind of a complex matrix, relying on traditional development practices will stunt your growth as a leader,” Torres said.
So how do we define 21st century leadership? Torres said we’ll find the answer by asking ourselves three questions:
Interesting, isn’t it, how all of these things come down to you. Where are you looking for change? Who are you adding to your network? What risks are you taking?
It’s all about choices, people.
Actually, it’s all about a single choice: Will you choose to lead in a changing and complex world?
If the answer is “yes,” the rest will fall into place.
Watch Torres’s TED talk in its entirety: