Leadership / Management

Integrity: The most highly valued leadership quality

IntegrityWhat trait above all others should a business leader have? Is it experience? Technical expertise? Effective communication?

At least one group of professionals says, "None of the above."

Nearly one-third of CFOs polled for a new survey say integrity is a successful leader's most important quality. That's not terribly surprising, given the emphasis that's been placed on ethics and integrity in the wake of Enron, WorldCom, et. al. Still, it's an important reminder of the significant role integrity plays in corporate America today.

“History has shown the importance of integrity in all aspects of business, from managing assets to managing people,” said Paul McDonald, executive director of Robert Half Management Resources. “Corporate scandals of the recent past have underscored the need for sound corporate governance practices and transparency in financial reporting.”

What trait do you value most in your leaders?


Bill Sheridan