Leadership / Management

Are you charging what you’re worth?

PriceThere has been lots of talk recently about the billable hour and whether it’s becoming an outdated pricing model, and that's certainly a debate worth having. Just ask Ron Baker.

Ron is founder of the Verasage Institute, a think tank dedicated to teaching value pricing to professionals around the world.

What is value pricing? In the simplest terms, it’s charging a customer for the value he or she receives from our services. But it really goes much deeper than that. According to Baker, it’s about turning pricing into a core competency. And that’s where things start to get a little more complicated for some people.

Ron wants to clear the air and tell everyone about the benefits that are out there waiting for the firm that embraces value pricing. He’s a frequent speaker at CPA events and conferences, and I caught up with him during a brief break between sessions at the Maryland Business and Accounting Expo in Baltimore. Listen to what he had to say in this MACPA podcast.

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Want to find out more? Download Ron's materials from his "Pricing on Purpose" session at the Expo. Then check out his best-selling books:

Is pricing one of your core competencies?


Bill Sheridan